Lokalise APIv2 Elixir SDK

Elixir interface for the Lokalise APIv2.

View the Project on GitHub lokalise/elixir-lokalise-api

OAuth 2

Setting up the client

Lokalise also provides OAuth 2 authentication flow. Let’s see how to generate an OAuth 2 token. The obtained token can be used to perform API requests on behalf of a user.

First of all, you’ll need to provide client id and client secret:

config :elixir_lokalise_api, oauth2_client_id: "YOUR_CLIENT_ID", oauth2_client_secret: "YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET"

Generating auth URL

Next, generate an authentication URL:

uri = ElixirLokaliseApi.OAuth2.Auth.auth(
  ["read_projects", "write_tasks"], # scopes
  "http://example.com/callback", # redirect uri
  "secret state" # state

The auth function returns a URL looking like this:


Your customers have to visit this URL and allow access to proceed. After allowing access, the customer will be presented with a secret code that has to be used in the following step.

Generating OAuth 2 token

Next, call the token function and pass a secret code obtained on the previous step:

{:ok, response} = ElixirLokaliseApi.OAuth2.Auth.token("secret code")

The response has the following attributes:

Refreshing OAuth 2 token

Once your access token expires, you can refresh it in the following way:

{:ok, response} = ElixirLokaliseApi.OAuth2.Auth.refresh("OAUTH2_REFRESH_TOKEN")

The response has the following attributes: