Lokalise APIv2 Node SDK

Node interface for the Lokalise APIv2.

View the Project on GitHub lokalise/node-lokalise-api

OAuth 2 flow

You can request and refresh OAuth 2 tokens using this client. First of all, import the necessary module and instantiate the class with your client id and client secret:

import { LokaliseAuth } from "@lokalise/node-api";

const lokaliseAuth = new LokaliseAuth("client id", "client secret");

Now lokaliseAuth can be used to request and refresh tokens.

Generating authentication URL

The next step is generating a special authentication URL:

const url = lokaliseAuth.auth(
  ["read_projects", "write_team_groups"],

Your users must visit this URL and explicitly permit access. As a result, they’ll get an authentication token that you’ll require on the next step.

THe auth method accepts the following arguments:

Requesting OAuth 2 access token

Now request the token using the secret code obtained at the previous step:

const response = await lokaliseAuth.token("secret code");

The response is an object with the following keys:

Refreshing OAuth 2 access token

OAuth 2 access token has an expiration date but you can easily obtain a new one using refresh token:

const response = await lokaliseAuth.refresh("refresh token");

The response is an object with the following keys:

Using OAuth 2 tokens

After you’ve obtained an OAuth 2 token, you can use it to perform requests on the user’s behalf:

import { LokaliseApiOAuth } from "@lokalise/node-api";

const lokaliseApi = new LokaliseApiOAuth({ apiKey: '<apiKeyObtainedViaOauth2>' });

const projects = await lokaliseApi.projects().list();