Lokalise APIv2 Node SDK

Node interface for the Lokalise APIv2.

View the Project on GitHub lokalise/node-lokalise-api

Custom translation statuses

Translation Status attributes

Custom translation statuses must be enabled for the project before using this endpoint! It can be done in the project settings.

Fetch translation statuses

API doc

const statuses = await lokaliseApi.translationStatuses().list({
  project_id: project_id,
  page: 2,
  limit: 3


Fetch a single translation status

API doc

const status = await lokaliseApi.translationStatuses().get(status_id, {project_id: project_id});


Create translation status

API doc

const status = await lokaliseApi.translationStatuses().create(
  {title: 'my status', color: '#344563'},
  {project_id: project_id}


Update translation status

API doc

const status = await lokaliseApi.translationStatuses().update(
  {title: 'my status updated', color: '#f2d600'},
  {project_id: project_id}


Delete translation status

API doc

const response = await lokaliseApi.translationStatuses().delete(status_id, {project_id: project_id});


Supported color codes for translation statuses

API doc

As long as Lokalise supports only very limited array of color hexadecimal codes for custom translation statuses, this method can be used to fetch all permitted values.

const colors_data = await lokaliseApi.translationStatuses().available_colors(
    project_id: project_id,
