Lokalise APIv2 Node SDK

Node interface for the Lokalise APIv2.

View the Project on GitHub lokalise/node-lokalise-api

OTA bundles

OTA bundle attributes

Get OTA bundle

API doc

To learn how to generate an OTA SDK token, please refer to the OTA Introduction article (“Requesting OTA bundles” section).

const lokaliseOtaBundles = new LokaliseOtaBundles({ apiKey: "YOUR_OTA_SDK_TOKEN" });

const bundle = await lokaliseOtaBundles.otaBundles().get(
    appVersion: "1.2.3",
    transVersion: 1,
    framework: "ios_sdk",
    lokaliseProjectId: "123.abc",

bundle.url; // "https://ota-bundles.lokalise.com/..."
bundle.version; // 1234