Lokalise APIv2 Ruby SDK

Ruby interface for the Lokalise APIv2 that represents returned data as Ruby objects.

View the Project on GitHub lokalise/ruby-lokalise-api

Custom translation statuses

Custom translation statuses must be enabled for the project before using this endpoint! It can be done in the project settings.

Fetch translation statuses


@client.custom_translation_statuses(project_id, params = {})  # Input:
                                                              ## project_id (string, required)
                                                              ## params (hash)
                                                              ### :page and :limit
                                                              # Output:
                                                              ## Collection of custom translation statuses for the project

For example:

project_id = '123.abc'
params = { limit: 1, page: 2 }

statuses = @client.custom_translation_statuses project_id, params
statuses[0].color # => '#0079bf'


project = @client.project project_id

statuses = project.custom_translation_statuses params

Fetch a single translation status


@client.custom_translation_status(project_id, status_id)  # Input:
                                                          ## project_id (string, required)
                                                          ## status_id (string or integer, required)
                                                          # Output:
                                                          ## Translation status inside the given project

For example:

project_id = '123.abc'
status_id = '1234'

status = @client.custom_translation_status project_id, status_id

status.color # => '#0079bf'
status.title # => 'approved'


project = @client.project project_id

status = project.custom_translation_status status_id

Create translation status


@client.create_custom_translation_status(project_id, params)  # Input:
                                                              ## project_id (string, required)
                                                              ## params (hash, required)
                                                              ### :title (string, required) - title of the new status
                                                              ### :color (string, required) - HEX color code of the new status. Lokalise allows a very limited number of color codes to set. Check the official docs or use `#translation_status_colors` method listed below to find the list of supported colors
                                                              # Output:
                                                              ## Created translation status

For example:

params = {
  title: "approved",
  color: '#f2d600'

status = @client.create_custom_translation_status project_id, params

status.color # => '#f2d600'
status.title # => 'approved'


project = @client.project project_id

status = project.create_custom_translation_status params

Update translation status


@client.update_custom_translation_status(project_id, status_id, params)   # Input:
                                                                          ## project_id (string, required)
                                                                          ## status_id (string or integer, required)
                                                                          ## params (hash, required)
                                                                          ### :title (string, required) - title of the new status
                                                                          ### :color (string, required) - HEX color code of the new status
                                                                          # Output:
                                                                          ## Updated translation status

For example:

params = {
  title: 'Updated status',
  color: '#c377e0'

status = @client.update_custom_translation_status project_id, status_id, params
status.color # => '#c377e0'


status = @client.custom_translation_status project_id, status_id
status.update params

# OR

project = @client.project project_id
status = project.update_custom_translation_status status_id, params

Delete translation status


@client.destroy_custom_translation_status(project_id, status_id)  # Input:
                                                                  ## project_id (string, required)
                                                                  ## status_id (string or integer, required)
                                                                  # Output:
                                                                  ## Result of the delete operation

For example:

response = @client.destroy_custom_translation_status project_id, status_id

response.custom_translation_status_deleted # => true


status = @client.custom_translation_status project_id, status_id
response = status.destroy

# OR

project = @client.project project_id
response = project.destroy_custom_translation_status status_id

Supported color codes for translation statuses


As long as Lokalise supports only very limited array of color hexadecimal codes for custom translation statuses, this method can be used to fetch all permitted values.

@client.custom_translation_status_colors(project_id)  # Input:
                                                      ## project_id (string, required)
                                                      # Output:
                                                      ## Object responding to colors method that return an array of color codes in HEX format

For example:

response = test_client.custom_translation_status_colors project_id

response.colors[0] # => '#61bd4f'


project = @client.project project_id
response = project.custom_translation_status_colors