Ruby interface for the Lokalise APIv2 that represents returned data as Ruby objects.
View the Project on GitHub lokalise/ruby-lokalise-api
@client.keys(project_id, params = {}) # Input:
## project_id (string, required)
## params (hash)
### pagination and cursor-related params
# Output:
## Collection of keys available in the given project
This endpoint also supports cursor pagination which is now a recommended approach, especially for fetching large amounts of data. Please learn more in the Pagination docs.
For example:
project_id = ''
params = {
limit: 2,
page: 3
keys = @client.keys project_id, params
keys[0].key_id # => 1234
project = @client.project project_id
keys = project.keys params
@client.key(project_id, key_id, params = {}) # Input:
## project_id (string, required)
## key_id (string, required)
## params (hash)
### :disable_references (string) - possible values are "1" and "0".
# Output:
## Project key
For example:
project_id = ''
key_id = 44_596_066
params = {
disable_references: 0
key = @client.key project_id, key_id, params
key.key_name['ios'] # => 'demo_key_name'
key.translations[0]['language_iso'] # => 'en'
project = @client.project project_id
key = project.key key_id, params
@client.create_keys(project_id, params) # Input:
## project_id (string, required)
## params (array of hashes or hash, required)
### :key_name (string or hash, required) - for projects with enabled per-platform key names, pass hash with "ios", "android", "web" and "other" params.
### :platforms (array) - supported values are "ios", "android", "web" and "other"
### Find all other supported attributes at
# Output:
## Collection of newly created keys
For example:
params = [
key_name: 'first_key',
platforms: %w[ios]
key_name: 'second_key',
platforms: %w[web],
translations: [
"language_iso": "en",
"translation": "Welcome"
keys = @client.create_keys project_id, params
keys[0].key_id # => 1234
keys.errors[0]['message'] # => 'This key name is already taken'
project = @client.project project_id
keys = project.create_keys params
@client.update_key(project_id, key_id, params = {}) # Input:
## project_id (string, required)
## key_id (string, required)
## params (hash)
### Find a list of supported attributes at
# Output:
## Updated key
For example:
params = {
key_name: 'updated_key_name',
description: 'Demo description'
key = @client.update_key project_id, key_id, params
key.key_id # => 1234
key = @client.key project_id, key_id
key.update params
# OR
project = @client.project project_id
key = project.update_key key_id, params
@client.update_keys(project_id, params) # Input:
## project_id (string, required)
## params (hash or array of hashes, required)
### :key_id (string, required)
### Find all other supported attributes at
# Output:
## Collection of updated keys
For example:
params = {
use_automations: false,
keys: [
key_id: 456,
description: 'bulk updated'
key_id: 769,
tags: %w[bulk update]
keys = client.update_keys project_id, params
keys[1].tags # => ['bulk', 'update']
project = @client.project project_id
keys = project.update_keys params
@client.destroy_key(project_id, key_id) # Input:
## project_id (string, required)
## key_id (string, required)
# Output:
## Generic with project_id and "key_removed" set to "true"
For example:
response = client.destroy_key project_id, key_id
response.key_removed # => true
key = @client.key project_id, key_id
response = key.destroy
# OR
project = @client.project project_id
response = project.destroy_key key_id
@client.destroy_keys(project_id, key_ids) # Input:
## project_id (string, required)
## key_ids (array, required)
# Output:
## Generic with project_id and "keys_removed" set to "true"
For example:
key_ids = [1234, 5678]
response = @client.destroy_keys project_id, key_ids
response.keys_removed # => true
project = @client.project project_id
response = project.destroy_keys key_ids