Lokalise APIv2 Ruby SDK

Ruby interface for the Lokalise APIv2 that represents returned data as Ruby objects.

View the Project on GitHub lokalise/ruby-lokalise-api


Fetch screenshots


@client.screenshots(project_id, params = {})  # Input:
                                              ## project_id (string, required)
                                              ## params (hash)
                                              ### :page and :limit
                                              # Output:
                                              ## Collection of project screenshots

For example:

project_id = '123.abc'
params = {
  limit: 3,
  page: 1

screenshots = @client.screenshots project_id, params

screenshots[0].screenshot_id # => 1234


project = @client.project project_id
screenshots = project.screenshots params

Fetch a single screenshot


@client.screeshot(project_id, screeshot_id)     # Input:
                                                ## project_id (string, required)
                                                ## screeshot_id (string, required)
                                                # Output:
                                                ## A single screenshot

For example:

project_id = '123.abc'
screenshot_id = '1234'

screenshot = @client.screenshot project_id, screenshot_id

screenshot.keys[0]['key_id'] # => 6789
screenshot.width # => 572


project = @client.project project_id
screenshot = project.screenshot screenshot_id

Create screenshots


@client.create_screenshots(project_id, params)     # Input:
                                                   ## project_id (string, required)
                                                   ## params (hash or array of hashes, required)
                                                   ### :data (string, required) - the actual screenshot, base64-encoded (with leading image type "data:image/jpeg;base64,"). JPG and PNG formats are supported.
                                                   ### :title (string)
                                                   ### :description (string)
                                                   ### :ocr (boolean) - recognize translations on the image and attach screenshot to all possible keys
                                                   ### :key_ids (array) - attach the screenshot to key IDs specified
                                                   ### :tags (array)
                                                   # Output:
                                                   ## Collection of created screenshots

For example:

params = {
  data: '...',
  title: 'My screen'

screenshots = @client.create_screenshots project_id, params

screenshots[0].title # => 'My screen'


project = @client.project project_id
screenshots = project.create_screenshots params

Update screenshot


@client.update_screenshot(project_id, screenshot_id, params = {}) # Input:
                                                                  ## project_id (string, required)
                                                                  ## screenshot_id (string, required)
                                                                  ## params (hash)
                                                                  ### :title (string)
                                                                  ### :description (string)
                                                                  ### :key_ids (array) - attach the screenshot to key IDs specified
                                                                  ### :tags (array)
                                                                  # Output:
                                                                  ## Updated screenshot

For example:

params = {
  tags: %w[demo sample],
  description: 'Sample screen'

screenshot = @client.update_screenshot project_id, screenshot_id, params

screenshot.tags # => ['demo', 'sample']


screenshot = @client.screenshot project_id, screenshot_id
screenshot.update params

# OR

project = @client.project project_id
screenshot = project.update_screenshot screenshot_id, params

Delete screenshot


@client.destroy_screenshot(project_id, screenshot_id)   # Input:
                                                        ## project_id (string, required)
                                                        ## screenshot_id (string, required)
                                                        # Output:
                                                        ## Generic with the project id and "screenshot_deleted" set to "true"

For example:

response = @client.destroy_screenshot project_id, screen_id
response.screenshot_deleted # => true


screenshot = @client.screenshot project_id, screen_id
response = screenshot.destroy

# OR

project = @client.project project_id
response = project.destroy_screenshot screen_id