Lokalise APIv2 Ruby SDK

Ruby interface for the Lokalise APIv2 that represents returned data as Ruby objects.

View the Project on GitHub lokalise/ruby-lokalise-api


Fetch translations


@client.translations(project_id, params = {})   # Input:
                                                ## project_id (string, required)
                                                ## params (hash)
                                                ### Find full list in the docs
                                                # Output:
                                                ## Collection of translations for the project

This endpoint also supports cursor pagination which is now a recommended approach, especially for fetching large amounts of data. Please learn more in the Pagination docs.

For example:

project_id = '123.abc'

params = {
  limit: 4,
  page: 2,
  disable_references: 0,
  filter_is_reviewed: 0

translations = @client.translations project_id, params

translations[0].translation_id # => 1234


project = @client.project project_id
translations = project.translations params

Fetch a single translation


@client.translation(project_id, translation_id, params = {})   # Input:
                                                                ## project_id (string, required)
                                                                ## translation_id (string, required)
                                                                ## params (hash)
                                                                ### :disable_references (string) - whether to disable key references. Supported values are 0 and 1
                                                                # Output:
                                                                ## Single translation for the project

For example:

project_id = '123.abc'
translation_id = '1234'
params = {
  disable_references: 1

translation = test_client.translation project_id, translation_id, params

translation.language_iso # => 'en'
translation.is_reviewed # => true


project = @client.project project_id
translation = project.translation translation_id, params

Update translation


@client.update_translation(project_id, translation_id, params = {})   # Input:
                                                                      ## project_id (string, required)
                                                                      ## translation_id (string, required)
                                                                      ## params (hash, required)
                                                                      ### :translation (string or hash, required) - the actual translation. Provide hash for plural keys.
                                                                      ### :is_fuzzy (boolean)
                                                                      ### :is_reviewed (boolean)
                                                                      # Output:
                                                                      ## Updated translation

For example:

params = {
  translation: 'Updated translation',
  is_reviewed: true

updated_translation = @client.update_translation project_id, translation_id, params

updated_translation.translation # => 'Updated translation'


translation = @client.translation project_id, translation_id
translation.update params

# OR

project = @client.project project_id
updated_translation = project.update_translation translation_id, params