Ruby interface for the Lokalise APIv2 that represents returned data as Ruby objects.
View the Project on GitHub lokalise/ruby-lokalise-api
@client.webhooks(project_id, params = {}) # Input:
## project_id (string, required)
## params (hash)
### :page and :limit
# Output:
## Collection of webhooks for the project
For example:
project_id = ''
params = {
limit: 3,
page: 2
webhooks = @client.webhooks project_id, params
webhooks[0].webhook_id # => '12345'
project = @client.project project_id
webhooks = project.webhooks params
@client.webhook(project_id, webhook_id) # Input:
## project_id (string, required)
## webhook_id (string, required)
# Output:
## Webhook for the given project
For example:
project_id = ''
webhook_id = '1234'
webhook = test_client.webhook project_id, webhook_id
webhook.url # => '' # => ['project.translation.proofread']
project = @client.project project_id
webhook = project.webhook webhook_id
@client.create_webhook(project_id, params) # Input:
## project_id (string, required)
## params (hash, required)
### :url (string, required) - webhook URL
### :events (array, required) - events to subscribe to. Check the API docs to find the list of supported events
### :event_lang_map (array) - map the event with an array of languages iso codes
# Output:
## Created webhook
For example:
params = {
url: '',
events: ['project.imported', 'project.exported']
webhook = @client.create_webhook project_id, params
webhook.url # => ''
project = @client.project project_id
webhook = project.create_webhook params
@client.update_webhook(project_id, webhook_id, params) # Input:
## project_id (string, required)
## webhook_id (string, required)
## params (hash)
### :url (string) - webhook URL
### :events (array) - events to subscribe to. Check the API docs to find the list of supported events
### :event_lang_map (array) - map the event with an array of languages iso codes
# Output:
## Updated webhook
For example:
params = {
url: ''
webhook = @client.update_webhook project_id, webhook_id, params
webhook.url # => ''
webhook = @client.webhook project_id, webhook_id
webhook.update params
# OR
project = @client.project project_id
webhook = project.update_webhook webhook_id, params
@client.destroy_webhook(project_id, webhook_id) # Input:
## project_id (string, required)
## webhook_id (string, required)
# Output:
## Result of the delete operation
For example:
response = @client.destroy_webhook project_id, webhook_id
response.webhook_deleted # => true
webhook = @client.webhook project_id, webhook_id
response = webhook.destroy
# OR
project = @client.project project_id
response = project.destroy_webhook webhook_id
@client.regenerate_webhook_secret(project_id, webhook_id) # Input:
## project_id (string, required)
## webhook_id (string, required)
# Output:
## Generic containing `project_id` and new `secret`
For example:
response = @client.regenerate_webhook_secret project_id, webhook_id
response.secret # => '123abc'
webhook = @client.webhook project_id, webhook_id
response = webhook.regenerate_secret
# OR
project = @client.project project_id
response = @client.regenerate_webhook_secret webhook_id