Ruby interface for the Lokalise APIv2 that represents returned data as Ruby objects.
View the Project on GitHub lokalise/ruby-lokalise-api
Custom translation statuses must be enabled for the project before using this endpoint! It can be done in the project settings.
@client.custom_translation_statuses(project_id, params = {}) # Input:
## project_id (string, required)
## params (hash)
### :page and :limit
# Output:
## Collection of custom translation statuses for the project
For example:
project_id = ''
params = { limit: 1, page: 2 }
statuses = @client.custom_translation_statuses project_id, params
statuses[0].color # => '#0079bf'
project = @client.project project_id
statuses = project.custom_translation_statuses params
@client.custom_translation_status(project_id, status_id) # Input:
## project_id (string, required)
## status_id (string or integer, required)
# Output:
## Translation status inside the given project
For example:
project_id = ''
status_id = '1234'
status = @client.custom_translation_status project_id, status_id
status.color # => '#0079bf'
status.title # => 'approved'
project = @client.project project_id
status = project.custom_translation_status status_id
@client.create_custom_translation_status(project_id, params) # Input:
## project_id (string, required)
## params (hash, required)
### :title (string, required) - title of the new status
### :color (string, required) - HEX color code of the new status. Lokalise allows a very limited number of color codes to set. Check the official docs or use `#translation_status_colors` method listed below to find the list of supported colors
# Output:
## Created translation status
For example:
params = {
title: "approved",
color: '#f2d600'
status = @client.create_custom_translation_status project_id, params
status.color # => '#f2d600'
status.title # => 'approved'
project = @client.project project_id
status = project.create_custom_translation_status params
@client.update_custom_translation_status(project_id, status_id, params) # Input:
## project_id (string, required)
## status_id (string or integer, required)
## params (hash, required)
### :title (string, required) - title of the new status
### :color (string, required) - HEX color code of the new status
# Output:
## Updated translation status
For example:
params = {
title: 'Updated status',
color: '#c377e0'
status = @client.update_custom_translation_status project_id, status_id, params
status.color # => '#c377e0'
status = @client.custom_translation_status project_id, status_id
status.update params
# OR
project = @client.project project_id
status = project.update_custom_translation_status status_id, params
@client.destroy_custom_translation_status(project_id, status_id) # Input:
## project_id (string, required)
## status_id (string or integer, required)
# Output:
## Result of the delete operation
For example:
response = @client.destroy_custom_translation_status project_id, status_id
response.custom_translation_status_deleted # => true
status = @client.custom_translation_status project_id, status_id
response = status.destroy
# OR
project = @client.project project_id
response = project.destroy_custom_translation_status status_id
As long as Lokalise supports only very limited array of color hexadecimal codes for custom translation statuses, this method can be used to fetch all permitted values.
@client.custom_translation_status_colors(project_id) # Input:
## project_id (string, required)
# Output:
## Object responding to colors method that return an array of color codes in HEX format
For example:
response = test_client.custom_translation_status_colors project_id
response.colors[0] # => '#61bd4f'
project = @client.project project_id
response = project.custom_translation_status_colors